A Thread: unpopular opinion: The movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind should have a continuation into modern day. We have an idea of what happens to Clementine and Joel, however I think it would be interesting to see a story where the Dr (or relative) continues this
Practice of wiping people's minds. Technology has changed so much since this movie was released so it would be so cool to see it on screen AND the visual affects of being inside the mind of the main character. I would like to see it produced with the same thoughtfulness
As the original film, but after the movie Inception I can only imagine what could be done to illustrate the psyche. In addition, I would LOVE to see how a new audience responds to the questions this movie raises. Would this generation of self-love and healing play with the idea
Of a clean slate to no longer feel pain? Or would they pass because it would be inauthentic?would it even be POSSIBLE with social media today, Or would the desire to experience life in all its messiness lead them to believe they'd make the same decision and Joel with Clementine.
This movie doesn't get enough recognition and deserves to be in the spotlight👏🏼
-end of thread (for now)
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