the characters of MHA feel authentic. it is way easier to connect and understand a character who goes through depression, abuse or loneliness than another who had a past worthy of Euripides. there is a reason why rock lee had the most effect on me as kid. his struggles felt real.
Even Shigaraki, this ultimate calamity of an antagonist, who has this very grandiose air about him and his actions right now, had a very intimate backstory. tragic , but intimate. he was abused, broke at the worst time possible, and was failed by the society he admired.
but for me personally, Twice was the culmination of everything i like about a character. Twice represents many of the human being's biggest fears. abandon, loneliness, , insanity, poverty, loss, betrayal and death...
It is genuinely scary how close the characters hit to home. for me at least. no one is perfect in MHA. nor the world. characters act and react to situations how real people would. you don't forgive abuse in a day. you don't get redeemed by talking it out-
- the only thing you can do is grind , and put in the effort to HOPE to earn the right to atone for what you have done. but at the same time, no one has the right to take away from you, the chance to actually do so.
You also don't get your confidence back in months after being bullied for years. it's a slow process. it takes time, and the right people around you. Horikoshi knows this. nothing is easy. nothing is simple. so he created a world similar to ours. and sadly, our world is brutal-
- in it's own way. many kids can't realize their dreams ! what am i saying ? they learn at a young age that they CAN'T dream about some things. this is what Deku faced. there is no " do push ups " to become a hero. you need powers. that's how the world is set. it just feels real.
i still need to talk about Toga, Uraraka, gentle, all might and many more characters. if you agreed with what i said or found it interesting at least, don't be shy and follow me 😊🙏
You can follow @Zackben97.
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