One worry I have about a side-effect of the #COVID19 pandemic is that some our societies might turn into de facto 'technocracies'. I find the current obsession with statistics, diagnostics, health metrics and comparisons between countries unhealthy.
There haven't been many real technocracies in history. The closest might have been the Soviet Union under Brejnev and the 'Reign of Terror' following the French Revolution in the late 18th century. Neither are models I believe we should aspire to emulate.
Scientists are not particularly evil or corrupt, and many are true idealists. One problem though, is that science selects those capable of intense attention to minutiae, sometimes at the cost of strategic vision and difficulties to understand those who don't share their goals.
It is a strange feeling for me to be concerned by a drift into technocracy. I am a hard core scientist and an atheist, who has always aspired to a more rational, quantitative approach to the major problems we're facing. I guess one should be careful what they wished for.
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