The Cuomo horror is an example of what awaits the entire country under absolute Democrat rule. The media will spend its time attacking anyone who notices their blunders. Dissent will be the only political crime in the eyes of the press.
It will be much worse than it was under Obama. Biden, and the radicals he brings into power, will need even more media protection and cover than Obama did. The media is objectively far worse than it was in 2008, and it's haunted by the memory of Trump's shocking 2016 win.
The media will see one of its core missions as rebuilding public confidence in centralized government and politicized "experts." It will aggressive target centers of organized dissent, working hard to marginalize the people Democrats hate - which is over half the population.
More of the old-school reporters who slowed down the media-Democrat fusion during the Obama administration have retired or passed away. The mainstream press is more deeply influenced by social media-driven extremism than it was under Obama. The Dem Party is further Left.
Most disturbingly, we're in a situation reminiscent of the 1920s where Western elites believe centralized power and political totalitarianism is the way of the future. The coronavirus pandemic greatly exacerbated this trend, with heavy prodding from Communist China.
As during the last rise of fascism a century ago, Western academia is now almost unanimous in believing that centralized power is far superior to individual liberty or its practical expression, free-market capitalism. This belief WILL be institutionalized under Democrats.
Of course they give some lip service to how they totally believe in freedom, pinky swear. It's just that the list of topics that have been "settled" by "science" and "consensus" grows ever longer. The list of things free people are allowed to decide for themselves dwindles.
As curing the rise of Italian and German fascism, the Western elite believes centralized power and totalitarianism are now a global arms race, and we cannot afford to be left behind by China. We must become more like them to remain competitive.
This extends to social issues as well as industrial policy. "Social justice" can only be imposed by the elite with vast centralized power. The people will never find it on their own, and individual states or cities cannot be allowed to remain "unjust."
And remember one other thing: the media no longer believes in free speech. That used to be a brake on their worst tendencies - at least they'd stick up for the freedom of speech, their very bread and butter, the basis of their whole industry.
That is no longer the case. "Free speech" has been redefined into a battered and diminished thing that would not be recognized by the liberals of generations past. You're now free to say anything that has not been forbidden, provided you have the proper credentials.
The Left believes free speech and free thought are dangerous. When centralized power is worshiped, dissent becomes a liability. OBEDIENCE is the paramount resource that drives the entire system. It must be maximized. Random individuals cannot be allowed to challenge Consensus.
That's what is coming your way if the Democrats win in November. You won't be allowed to disagree with them, the way you can disagree with Donald Trump, and you will not be allowed to opt out of their schemes. You will learn what authoritarianism really looks like.
And the media won't provide any sort of check on power. They will actively help implement authoritarianism. They won't be sitting in the White House briefing room heckling press secretaries. They'll be tirelessly going after anyone who opposes "consensus" or "justice." /end
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