i haven't been here all day but i just want to say this: a lot of you who scream south asian """Cultural Appropriation""" at the smallest of things are a) conflating south asian """"culture"""" with hinduism b) peddling soft hindutva
if you're even remotely aware of the subcontinent's present extremely volatile, communal and islamophobic political scenario and if you're hell-bent on preserving the "purity" of hindu iconography then well . i have nothing more to say apart from: examine ur caste privilege!!!!!
and before anyone misconstrues this thread i am not questioning anyone's religious beliefs, simply pointing out how in our present socio-political context, your social location as a uc hindu comes with a wealth of implications you Need to be self-aware and critical of. and+
this rhetoric of a monolithic "hindu" culture being passed off as "south asian/indian culture" is extremely extremely problematic and plays right into the hands of the fascists who are currently running this country
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