You may think you’ve never known someone who has lost a baby either by early miscarriage or near term, and you’d be wrong. While everyone has a right to share what they’ve experienced or not- there is a REASON people are encouraged to remain silent. I’ll give you an example (1/4)
The idea that if you’re pregnant you shouldn’t tell anyone until you’re 3 mos in. Why? Because if the pregnancy is lost, and you are experiencing grief and pain possibly unlike anything you’ve ever felt, you shouldn’t bring discomfort to others by just... acknowledging it? (2/4)
This places ppl in some of their darkest moments in isolation. The suggestion that if the pregnancy did not keep- YOU should not discuss it. You are now alone in your grief and shame is heightened. This is misogyny. This is the patriarchy. How many ppl have suffered alone? (3/4)
I can guarantee it’s more than you’d guess. To reiterate: ppl should not have to discuss their loss & pain if they do not want to. But it is the expectation to remain silent that is devastating & harmful. I’m sending love to all who have suffered such a loss. (4/4)
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