[30 years into the future]

me: you know netflix used to send films by post

my amazon smart watch: 0.3% Productivity loss detected. Hourly rate reduced to $1.12 for 7m21s. Please refrain from talking on the packing line. Please say "Productivity" to acknowledge

me: productivity
me, returning from a 7.49hour on-demand shift, spending my Amazon Prime points to open the rv in the car park outside the fulfilment center: Alexa, set an alarm for 3 hours

the smart appliance inside the rv: Warning, sleeping less than 4 hours may put health insurance at risk
my coworker, appearing two hours later: I didn't qualify for on-site rest today.

me, counting the words on my fingers: Sure, Come in

my amazon smart watch: Over ten words exchanged. Potential Union activity detected. Say "Productivity" to upload audio log.

me: productivity
me: Alexa, how long until I can use the toilet?

my amazon smart watch: You must complete another 18m13s of work. You can upgrade with prime points, or smart plasma.

me: Plasma

my watch: You cannot donate blood plasma for another 8m12s.

people are going "grim future" but in truth, this is closer to the present for many people fighting their way out of poverty

most of the stuff i'm referencing here is already a few years old. it's just distributed unevenly so far https://twitter.com/tef_ebooks/status/1311682361864663041
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