Thread: Over the years Mom has compiled a list of things you should NOT say to a Service Dog handler. This list is not exhaustive, but are some of the most common things actually said to us:
1. You don't look disabled.
2. What is wrong with you?
#ServiceDogMonth #ThursdayThoughts
3. You can’t bring that dog in here
4. I want to bring my dog to school you are so lucky
5. Where can I buy one of those service dog vests?
6. My sister/wife/husband/brother/friend/second cousin twice removed bought a vest online so they can take their dog on a plane it was easy.
7. What can I do so I can bring my dog to school?
8. Does he do tricks?
9. But, it is still a DOG! My dog runs around and barks constantly. Dogs will still be dogs!
10. What if he bites someone?
11. I think making a dog work like that is cruel. Does he ever get to be just a dog?
12. I know I am not supposed to bother him (while leaning over him), I know I am not supposed to look at him (while staring at him). Can I pet him (while reaching out a hand to pet)?
13. Suddenly grabbing his face in both hands and ruffling his ears or grabbing his tail
14. Yelling loudly in a crowded common area, while pointing, "OH MY GOD! There's a dog."
15. Whispering to a group near, behind or next to us about us. We can hear you.
16. Can he have a piece of my sandwich?
17. I love your dog, I have a dog, I have a Golden, he is not smart like yours, how do you keep him so clean, he is really pretty, my dog hates baths - while we are trying to pass.
18. What do you feed him? Alpo?
19. Does he have fleas?
20. "Can I help you?" Mom: "No thank you." "Let me help you." Mom: "No thank you." Followed by taking what she has in her hand and saying, "Let me help you."
21. Where does he go to the bathroom?
22. He is still a dog, and dogs are dirty, my dog is always dirty.
23. Don't step in front of Mom, and stop our progress through a crowded area to ask me a question like, "What color is he?"
24. What if he brings in diseases? No telling where his paws have been.
25. My dog died last week, month, year…..12-years ago. Can I pet yours?
26. "Excuse me"……"excuse me"…..(yelling) "excuse me!" *chasing us down the mall* Is that a service dog? (While said service dog is clearly vested)

Please remember service dogs have gone thru extensive training & meet certain requirements for temperament, level of training & overall behavior in highly stressful situations. They are well-kept, clean, & their well-being & happiness is generally put above that of their handlers
It is important these dogs stay healthy, happy, full-filled, and continue to love their job. This is what makes them devoted, loyal partners and provides the medical assistance needed so an individual can remain independent.
There is no reason to distract a dog or handler when you see them in public. IGNORE the dog, pretend it is NOT EVEN THERE, and talk only to the handler. Never touch a service dog unless the handler has invited you to do so (without you asking).
Asking about a person’s disability is an invasion of privacy. Generally a person w/ a service dog has already fielded many questions in the course of a day & been interrupted many times before, respect their time/energy & allow them space to go about their day uninterrupted.
Buying a vest online or misrepresenting a pet as a service dog in any way is in many states illegal and punishable with a fine or even imprisonment. Don’t vest a pet!

Letting me do my job uninterrupted is how I keep Mom healthy and independent. We appreciate your understanding.
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