I appreciate this is a departure from what I would usually tweet about, but I've seen some kickback in regards to Chrissy Teigen's recent Instagram post about the loss of her and John Legend's child.

[cn: baby loss, child loss, stillbirth]
There has been some criticism of them taking photographs with their child. The two of them, and their other children, would have been excited for their new arrival, they would have prepared, bought things like new clothes, new toys, and got a nursery ready.
Now they may look at those unworn clothes and empty rooms and feel a real sense of loss and absence. A photograph of them with their child may go someway to helping them, to give them something to look at and reflect on, a moment where they had their child in their arms.
One day they may be able to use those photographs to explain to their other children what happened, why their mum was pregnant but then another baby didn't come home, and be able to share a photograph of their sibling with them.
And you may then ask yourself why these photographs and memories couldn't be kept private? The discussion of loss and grief is still done in whispers and hushed tones, something people are worried about saying and hearing.
Sharing these first hand accounts helps people who have experienced similar loss. When my brother died by suicide in 2014, I didn't know anybody I could talk to that had experienced something similar but stories from others that I then heard and read really helped.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend sharing openly about what they are going through and what they've experienced with raw honesty and with a platform will help others manage what they have, are or may go through. And I hope speaking about it helps them, too.
You can follow @JonnyGabriel.
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