At this point I don't think the answer to whether Izuku loves Katsuki or not should be unclear. And I don't even mean that in a romantic sense. There's just a pure form of love for him that creates a bond that makes them inseparable. Katsuki is learning that what Izuku exhibits+
towards him is care, admiration, and love. Katsuki's no longer trying to push him away. He still doesn't fully understand Izuku, but the important part is that he's /trying/. He wants to atone for his past actions and help Izuku, because he's seen more than anyone just how+
little Izuku actually values himself. Katsuki feels that he played a part in that with his bullying, because we've seen how Izuku treats it. Katsuki calls it what it is: bullying. But Izuku just refers to it as teasing (the distinction is clearer in Japanese). Katsuki wants to+
both understand his childhood friend and help him realize that he /does/ have value, that he /should/ take care of himself and let others, like Katsuki, help. Izuku doesn't have to do everything alone. He doesn't have to handle the burden of One for All alone, or winning against+
All for One. Izuku's value goes beyond being the successor to All Might, the next in line to hold the power. He's a person who is loved and cared for. He is someone whose safety his friends, his mother, and most importantly, /Katsuki/, worry for. Katsuki realizes that Izuku+
always gives and gives, but he never takes. He gives so much love to Katsuki that he couldn't understand, and if Katsuki were to just apologize to him verbally, Izuku would most likely tell him that it's okay. But Katsuki knows it's not. So he's helping him and atoning the best+
way he knows how: carrying the burden of holding a "cursed power" with him. Helping him train. Looking out for him in battle. Reminding him he doesn't have to do it alone. Katsuki will help Izuku realize his self worth, what his power means, what he means to /Katsuki/.
And in the process Katsuki will learn to love Izuku the way Izuku loves him. As someone he can admire and learn from. Someone with strength and passion. Someone who will care for you as much as you care about them. And I think that as a possibility is beautiful.
this is mostly just me rambling about bkdk at 3 am, lol. please tell me what your thoughts are about their relationship and possible future developments; these are just mine
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