DOOM Eternal comes to Xbox GamePass today and it is a belter!!

If you’re an ‘auld da’ (like me) here is a thread of some beginner tips
It’s tempting to run in and try to ‘Rambo’ it but I’d advise you to bump the difficulty way down till you find your groove. Even coming off the back of DOOM (2016) you have a curve to learn
Read and lean! Tips on all you need to know such as weak points and juggling/staggering are vital and it can be easy to overlook - these are vital techniques that will come in very handy
The art of leeching armour and ammo of your enemies will save you again and again, similarly staggering the baddies so you can neutralise one whilst dealing with the other is key
Use the right tool for the job, different baddies will be weakened by different weapons - be it overloading their shields with the plasma gun or a cheeky snipe - learn what works and maximise your arsenal
On that ^ initially I overlooked weapon mods and made life a lot harder for myself - learn and use these alt fire abilities
(As a personal aside) I’m terrible at aiming but i’m a surgeon with a rocket launcher - thank you ‘area effect’
You’ll have all heard about the Marauder by now and he is rightfully feared - but - here is a guide to beating him and it’s nothing you haven’t been using thus far
Finally - in all honesty the @DOOM community is amazing and they WANT you to succeed and enjoy - don’t be afraid to ask for advice and tips. Enjoy yourself and happy Slaying
You can follow @NeilGortz.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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