I wish @eddyfontaine the best on her tour to Uyo! That location has many hidden gems. I also wish that she does not venture into tourism by accusing old tour operators like @dharmorla of copying her.

You need more than selling the same location to make this accusation.

1. When we set up calendars for the year, you may have noticed that we target public holidays and general holiday periods so that most people have time to actually go on the trip. It is common to meet other groups at locations. This is a beautiful thing.
2. Make the most of it. Customers who are loyal to your brand cannot be stolen. There will never be a time when only you, will go to one place, except you want to sell out the entire plane or rent out the entire resort.

Everyone brings their spin to the same locations.
3. The Uyo package is not your idea. It is the idea of the people who built the resort. All are welcome. I have been there, lots of us have gone there. The industry is still so small and continues to expand.

The sky is your limit, if you don't focus on grasping at straws.
4. I look forward to meeting other tour groups in Dubai and Benin and Turkey as we ALWAYS DO! If our schedule permits, we will try to enjoy one large dinner together.


God bless all those trying to build the tourism pie instead of struggling for crumbs.
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