(About "queer")

"I'm uncomfy with X" isn't "X triggers me". It means "X is a squick. It makes me uncomfortable."
"X triggers me" means "I have an unwelcome and involuntary response to X that makes it unpleasant/painful for me to see."
Both are valid! But they're not the same. +
+ A trigger isn't "ew gross" or "that's a slur :/". A trigger is tears, it's sobbing, it's not being able to breathe. Or it's nightmares, flashbacks, recurring pangs of anxiety. It's distress.

It's not "this is uncomfortable".
A squick is discomfort. A trigger is DISTRESS. +
+ I see a lot of young people nowadays who forget the past and put their comfort first, and it angers me. It angers me that you place your comfort before someone else's self-expression, that you worry about your own "ew :/" before someone else's "this is who I am"
If I say I am queer, I REFUSE to censor myself for your "comfort." Be uncomfortable, for once. After all, the cishets are, why the fuck can't you be?
I'm here, I'm queer, and I fucking FOUGHT to be recognized as such. That is my identity. I'm not censoring who I am. +
+ You need to realize what you are asking when you say "don't reclaim slurs, I'm uncomfortable". Because you're asking me to let that word, that word I fought to use, that word I throw in my homophobic family's face, to hurt me again. You are asking me to be a "palatable gay"
+ and to that I say:
Fuck you. I'm not here to be palatable. I'm not here to be unthreatening and Pure and Good.

I am Other. I am non-conforming. I AM queer, I'm weird, I'm WRONG to the Cishets(tm). +
+ Fuck off with your discomfort. I'm fighting for equality. Not for the CisHets to "allow" my deviance, for EQUAL STANDING.

If you have a genuine trigger? Talk to me. If there's a way I can express myself without triggering you and without censoring who I am, we can try that. +
+ But if you're UNCOMFORTABLE? If seeing the word I use to identify myself as, in a non-aggressive, inwardly directed manner, just causes you discomfort?

Get fucking used to it. I FOUGHT for this. This is MY word, MY identity.

So you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.+
+ And before you make a smartass comment? Consider those who came before you. Who fought to get gay marriage legalized (2015, in the USA).
And maybe shut your history-ignorant, Twitter-activist mouth, and maybe do some shit to ACTUALLY help.

(You can start with bathroom laws)
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