I miss the in-person #BrightonSEO but excited about the online version.

To re-create the experience I have:

đŸ· drank a little too much last night, so I feel a *little* bit jaded... but I'm *totally* fine...

A shower + some hair product... pretty sure I look super professional.
đŸ“± Turned bluetooth + a (muted) Netflix live-stream of something so my phone battery dies about 3pm...

...probably just about the time I finally think of my *funniest* Tweet.
☕ Had five cups of strong tea already (I don't drink coffee)... plus an iced coffee from a coffee shop chain (OK, just this once) just to 'perk me up'.

Pretty sure I'm shaking just because it's cold...
Added picking up litter on the school-run, to replicate the beach litter-pick... and (in my head) had conversations with @AnnaAppenzeller & @TashaWoodford et al.
đŸ“ș Watched ads for several SEO tools, many of which I cannot afford (in-lieu of the expo part) and got some serious 'tool-envy'.

(also re-gifted myself a few 'hilarious' SEO t-shirts that my wife will hate (I know this, as she already hates them & I already own them)).
And I think I'm just about ready to go!

I may run up and down the stairs a few times; after spinning on the spot a bit just to give myself that slight panic of "Was it Auditorium 1 or 2?" and "Are these the right stairs?" feeling.
Y'all ready?!

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