So many stories I want to share đŸ„ș

By the time I was done with Uni, I had interned at: KPMG, Softcom, and Andela.

So, I'd always go back to my alma mater to encourage the undergrads...đŸ„ș

But that's not the fun part, my Salary as a grad was lesser than when I was an undergrad
I think I declined the offer but ended up taking it for whatever reasons. From that experience, I had my intro to startups, "generate revenue this month or die", marketing, design, content writing, entering bus full-time etc

Little did I know that I was going to do my MSc soon.
Got into MSc. with a mindset to become even more, I prioritised internships over my studies, literally.

Anyway, Google internship came through, finally đŸ„ș and I was earning 10x what I was collecting last year.

My selling point at the interview? My Stutern work
About how I literally through myself at the challenge did everything and came out successful. Co-organised a training that would bring 50% of our revenue for that month. Taught some employability courses to save on hiring someone else etc

There were other aspects of my app but
But, Stutern was key, Andela was key and just being in the start-up space...

I'm so tempted to drop moral lesson. But no, I'd take this time to soak it all in.

From how Fruit n Fibre, cookies, baba sala milk used to be a luxury in school to how far I've come and where I'm going
Since 2018, I don't think I've entered bus more than 10x.

I'm definitely not there yet. But mahn, I'm getting fairer from all the Uber-ing I've been doing đŸ„ș

I'm somewhat happy and content. Life has been kind and good to me.

😭 Sigh, eez well.

~end of rant~
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