Morning Peeps.
Watched a programme last night about WW2 and how communities came together during the bombings.
How after loosing loved ones & neighbours. They pulled together as one to get through!
Men went off to fight & the women rallied together to work the fields & so forth.
I watched elderly people cry, remembering what they had gone through as children.😥
We had a common enemy. Hitler & Nazism.
Politicians rallied together. No mateer what party!
I look at our common enemy today, COVID-19 & all i see is the SELFISH society that we have grown in to!
Blame culture, conspiracy theories,defiance!
I realise now, that its 'sod you jack. I'm looking after Number 1'!
Well to those that sacraficed their lives and those that gave up their lives to try & make this country Great. I apologise on my behalf!
You DID NOT deserve this!🤬🤬
Todays Society are a selfish bunch of CNUTS!🤬🤬🤬
There are some GOOD people out there.👍
My justgiving page is testiment to that.👍👍
But this pandemic has shown that we cannot 'pull together' as they did in WW2.
I have to admit. I feel ashamed of my fellow countrymen.☹☹
As my Granddaughter said to me at the beginning of this Pandemic. "If we all pull together. We can beat this virus,Grandad!" & she was only 4 years old at the time.
Wake up people! This is happening. This is REAL!!!!
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