Everybody deals with injuries. Nobody is willing to learn from them.

"The greatest lessons hide in plain sight” - Someone

In 2020, I struggled the most with lifting.

Shoulder cracked shortly after lockdown ended(🇩🇪)

This guy made my training experience the worst ever since.
Kickboxing was great, but it was followed by constant pain.

My favourite exercises in the gym, were undoable.

After 3 months I finally figured out a way to deal with this properly.

This is what I learned:
1) You can deny it as much as you want. It doesn’t work.

Many injuries can be treated with the “It will fix itself" attitude.

Some can not.

My situation got even worse.

The pain spread through my left arm. (Well F*ck).

Less. 1: Even if it will fix itself, don’t take chances.
2) Smart mans escape from hell

“I’ll just do a different exercise till it’s fixed” - Me (Pre-learning me).

It works. But it haunts you.

Imagine you are a big fan of squatting (me).

You tell everyone that asks about leg growth to do squats.

Yet, you avoid doing them yourself.
It haunted me for the last 8 Weeks.

“I can’t squat now because bla bla and then my shoulder gets worse”

Instead, I should have stood in the squat rack and tried to figure out a way to squat again without pain.

Less. 2: If you run from hell, you’ll burn diffrently.

Not this 👇🏽
3) Everyone says “Challenges are great“… until facing one themselves

I believe that challenges are necessary for anyone to grow.

Moving more weight as a challenge? Yes sir.

Dealing with an injury? I’ll pass.

Willing to deal with that injury was a challenge in itself.
You hear this probably every day on twitter, but hearing it once again will only make it better.

Less. 3: Challenges and growth might be hidden in plain sight. Nevertheless, embrace it.
This is it for now.

I hope you learned something.

(By the way, it was my shoulder blade rotation that I’ve been neglecting)

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