Hello all, I have come once again to talk about Giles, more specifically this scene and Anthony's acting here...

✨a thread✨

Okay so, FIRST. This little bit right here: when she says his name and he just, stops, and looks and listens. The subtle change in his expression -
as if he's slightly regretting what he'd said, at seeing her response. And he keeps looking right at her.
(side note: I don't expect anyone at all to care about this, I just really need to get it out 😂) -
And then she confesses she loves him, and THIS LOOK. It's all in his eyes, and there's so much there.
If you look, you can actually see him completely stop breathing after she says it.
I'm just in love with these small details because it's so good, and it's so Giles. -
Here, the softness in his voice when he says "do you want to?" the small step towards her, the wet eyes!!
And just how he's carrying himself here, he slightly softens but he's still standing stiff and slightly held back...
"I understand, but I'm not the one you need to make it up to." I LOVE this line from him. Still looking after/thinking of Buffy in this moment. I love the way he handles this, he will always look after Buffy first.
And then he simply leaves. As much as I wanted them to just kiss-
and get back to normal and be happy in this moment, I love that he doesn't kiss her.
It's something you'd expect to happen in a tv show or movie after a love confession, and it doesn't here, and for some reason I just love that?? It leaves you wanting more. And yeah, -
unfortunately she gets horribly killed off after this in the same episode, but they couldn't have known that and it somehow makes this scene 100x more powerful to me and 100000x more heartbreaking later...
ANYWAY, I've been thinking about this for a few days and I needed to share 😂 of you read through all this, thanks lmao

✨the end✨
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