Before I recommend ANYTHING
I like to thoroughly experiment with it first

For the full month of #Steaktober
I'll be eating NOTHING but
- Eggs
- Beef
- Fish

That's it. Will use this tweet to update changes I notice.

ALWAYS TEST before form opinion
DAY 1 of 31

I feel fantastic right out of the gate.
No issues whatsoever, ketosis should kick in around day 3-4

Excited for the ketones to heal my bones.

Adding Cashews + Avocado to the mix.
Without them? I'll lose too much weight.

200g of cashews = 1K calories
DAY 7 of 31

Cashews have carbs. Fixed day 2.

Full week on it so far
Gut has responded super smooth.

Get fattier cuts of meat, too lean and you'll starve. Loading avocado, butter, olive oil wherever possible.

Mental clarity is insane.
Zero brain fog.
Zero crash after meals.
You can follow @DejaRu22.
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