All the resources & we still can’t grasp racism? Someone actually sat down & said, “You know who needs a voice – WHITE PEOPLE!!!” Drew out plans? PAID to put these designs on products with #WhiteGirlsDoItBetter? The girl even hashtags “ #AllLivesMatter” & “ #NoPrivilege”??? WACK 🤧
It’s the “Kracker Klothing Kompany” for me. Middle-aged white guys really think they just slip KKK into stuff so smoothly? Like we simply do not see it??? I —
What will we unpack first? Girl brought a UHAUL 🚚 I think comparing minorities to a game of frisbee is what sends me 🤢
SOS. Her bio says “social media manager & public relations.” NO WAY we completed the same four years of formal education, & her brain came out of university like THIS? 🤨 I guess even the Klan needs a PR rep 😭
The WAY karma is set up! She shared herself being dragged as a white supremacist (why RE-humiliate yourself? 💀) – now “her” people wanna hire ~me~ 💰

We do steal from racists in this house ✨ I hope it turns into her clients also hiring WOC/POC instead of her. Love to see it ❤️
Decent human: “bro that’s super racist, let me teach you why it’s wrong so you can do better”
Racists: “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS OF [random unrelated matter]!!!!!”

Do y’all... HAVE brains??? Or do they just not work? 😩
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