The 4 kinds of hooks to constantly use in your writing (via @NickChai13)

#1 Rhetorical questions

These are questions with obvious answers or a simple 'yes' or 'no'.

Your readers think you read their mind & thus they believe you understand what they're asking for.

They keep reading.

Don't be smart with the questions. Just do proper research & find out what questions your readers will most likely ask.
#2 Cliffhangers

Cliffhangers give rise to incompleteness. Our brains are not wired to deal with it. Hence, we are curious to know/read more.

As you're about to reach the climax of a section, jump onto another section. Purposely leave your readers hanging.
Of course, the flow should be smooth. Cliffhangers don't disrupt the reading experience. They make the reader want more!
#3 Transitions

Transition is the arrangement of ideas to prevent them from clashing. As simple as different tweets in this thread.

Transitions are great for holding attention & killing confusion.

Confusion kills interest.
#4 White space

If you think that writing 2 sentences per para isn't professional, you can't be more wrong.

Write something that is easier to read on mobile devices. White space gives the readers peace of mind to read with ease.

Use white space to improve your read ratio.
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