I basically know everything about Flat Earth Theory. So if you have any questions that you always wanted to know about it for some reason I'm willing to answer a few
So this is a classic Globe troll question, no offense. In the past, there was a belief some edge usually blocked by an ice wall or dome but the current meta is that the concept of an edge is rooted in globe adjacent science and space might be fake https://twitter.com/_flowerguardian/status/1311493241657851905?s=19
Hologram/Projection or a much closer and smaller celestial body such as a gaseous body that emits its own light. https://twitter.com/anarcaleb/status/1311493318098989057?s=19
This one is very contentious. The globe troll answer is that the flat earth is actually accelerating upwards at a rate equal to what we thing gravity is. I believe the current meta is buoyancy or some other attractive force akin to electromagnetism https://twitter.com/causalcoffee/status/1311493697461268480?s=19
Most flat earthers don't believe space is real to some degree. What degree that is changes and ranges from literally fake and just a projection like the Truman show to the classic egocentric model or biblical representations of the celestial world https://twitter.com/maximillienair/status/1311494562272157698?s=19
Can you? https://twitter.com/MattWhite_95/status/1311493693833056257?s=19
So this is always my question too. Because despite the scale of the deception, the shape of the planet is ultimately meaningless considering that, given that we exist here, it must have all resolved itself somehow, scientifically speaking. (1/???) https://twitter.com/HighQualityUser/status/1311494049694703617?s=19
The first answer is the most plausible, despite involving literal magic, and that is that it is meant to hide the existence of some higher power, whether God or some alien life, from most of humanity because they couldn't handle it (2/???)
The other answers all involve the classic groups (mystery schools, cults, the Vatican, etc.) working together because keeping people in the dark about the shape of the planet is just basically the ultimate deception and keeps people pliant for some vague reason (3/3)
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