A Thread on the @USJewishDems Ad Controversy:

Yesterday, JDCA released the ad below, drawing comparisons btw the rise of fascism (and Nazi's) in 1930's Europe to now. This led to calls from several prominent Jewish orgs to pull the ad down.

1/ https://twitter.com/i/status/1310977301342023680
There is a (smart) widely held belief (unwritten rule) that Nazi comparisons in our politics should largely be avoided. At the core, the concern is that we desensitize the public and minimize the full horror of what the Nazi's did. Some, went so far as to argue it insulted...

...the memory of the 6M Jews murdered during the Holocaust. I have no interest in challenging/criticizing those who felt the ad crossed the line. But, Trump telling white supremacist terrorists to "stand by," spreading lies about mass voter fraud, and calling his people...

...to "watch the polls" undermined their argument (and reinforced JDCA's). Not to mention it was a pretty strong autocratic signal far beyond the norms of our democracy. To be clear, the ad doesn't say (nor would I), that what we're seeing in the US today will lead to...

...the same outcome as 1930's Europe. It says we have to stop what is happening here now bc of the risks. If we're being honest, the conditions in society are similar in some really critical ways (diff in others), which was the point of the ad. So, what conditions laid...

....the groundwork in Europe? First, substantial economic dislocation after WWI. Second, the rise of nationalism, built on the dream of restoring past glory that divided society btw "us v. them." Third, intentional destruction of facts & truth, which led to the spread of...

...conspiracy theories into the mainstream. Fourth, the false belief by elites that they could contain and/or work with the nationalist movement (and its leader). Fifth, the erosion of democratic norms and the weakening of institutions to check power.

All of those things were present then. All are present now. Substantial, extended economic dislocation, the rise of ethnic-nationalism, rising attacks on minority groups ("them"), a longing for past glory (MAGA), an all out attack on facts/truth + QAnon, GOP fully caving...

...to Trump (no platform in '20), major orgs, including some Jewish orgs, normalizing Trump, a leader who bulldozed through norms, attacked institutions, and is intentionally undermining the two core pillars of democracy (faith in election + peaceful transfer of power).

Again, none of that is to say Trump = Hitler, or the GOP = Nazi's, or that this will end up the same way (or in some other form of major calamity for the Jewish people).

However, the basic conditions necessary for bad outcomes for many people - as "small" as the loss of...

...liberal democracy and the erosion of civil rights, and as "large" as violent, systemic attacks on marginalized communities (including but not limited to Jews) are fundamentally present. And, if we're being honest, we've already seen both to varying degrees.

Perhaps the words of the President in last night's debate shifted the feeling of some who were critical. Perhaps the leaders of big tent institutions feel trapped, trying to hold our community together and maintain bipartisan ties. Perhaps we've been seduced...

...by the relative security we've found in America, especially over last several decades. Or, perhaps we've been comforted by the right's embrace of Israel.

However, when nationalism rises, and an "us v. them" frame sets in, the Jew is never actually included as "us"...

...and the white nationalists already blame Jews for the power of non-white communities in America. When conspiracy theories spread, the ultimate conspiracy theory of Jewish power and subversion inevitably finds fertile grounds. And, when democratic norms erode...

...civil rights ultimately get rolled back and minority groups become far less safe.

All of this leads to several questions:

a.) What more would have to be said or done before pointing out what is happening here in stark, clear terms is warranted?

b.) What would have to happen for the critics to call this what it is - the rise of fascism and the backsliding of democracy in America.

c.) Is our community, and its leadership, prepared for the worst case scenario in which Trump throws our election into chaos?

d.) Is there a plan, for a firm, unequivocal resistance amongst ALL Jewish orgs to ANY undemocratic power grab? Or, will we equivocate?

And, most importantly...

e.) Why do we teach our children what signs to watch for if we're going to ignore and/or deny those signs when they're staring us right in the face?

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