This is worth noting only because it’s an example of why we lose. It gets high fives from the Bernie Would Have Won crowd, but is otherwise thoroughly alienating.
It’s maddening that Sanders’s platform was one of such kindness, but so many of his supporters seemed motivated by cruelty. It didn’t make me any less excited to vote for him, but it was hard to feel much kinship with the movement.
For months, I watched these people say vile things about Warren supporters—based on the most uncharitable, flagrantly inaccurate assumptions. It was tactically stupid, of course, but it was also a hint that the movement really had a warped view of it fellow citizens.
I don’t think any of this will improve unless there’s some serious introspection about why the left misread the country so badly and the moderates got it on the money.
*exhale* I’ve been holding this in for a while.
Only reason I bother to air this opinion is that I am certain, if this stuff isn’t considered and addressed, we will make the same mistakes again. And that would be tragic.
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