i absolutely lose my shit when antis say “by insisting a straight man is closeted, ur invalidating ppl who actually are closeted. he’s said he’s straight multiple times he’s not closeted” like- do you not understand what you just sai-
the way they’ve just completely invalidated his forceful closeting by believing his tweets where “he” insists he’s straight- like they expect a closeted person to say otherwise. that’s the dumbest shit ive ever heard.
if u don’t understand the context of that tweet go and read the article and do ur research i’m tired of people thinking he’d actually say that himself. idc what u say, that’s a homophobic tweet. louis didn’t say that shit. it was a completely unnecessary reply
the article really assumed nothing about his sexuality, it just talked about L showing his support for tim cook, the CEO of apple, who had just come out
and if u believe L had/has full control over his social media ur totally wrong😄👍 louis literally confirmed himself that neither him nor any of the boys did👇
plus you all seem to forget that this happened
not apologizing for ranting because it’s so hypocritical to say that believing a “straight” man is closeted invalidates actual closeted people- under that premise, who the fuck is closeted? aren’t we all straight then? because i’ve said i’m straight! i’m not straight!
and take larry completely out of the picture. FFS this man wrote and leaked home, he wrote only the brave and said LOVE IS ONLY FOR THE BRAVE, he wrote strong, end of the day, etc etc I AM SO TIRED-
“he wrote otb for the fans” SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ABSOLUTE IMBECILE- it’s HIS storyline, he chose to include it on the album because it resonated with him! WHEN DID HE EVER SAY THAT- dont u think just for ONE second there is a possibility he’s queer?
and don’t pull the “it’s not our business, he said he’s straight so we should believe him until he says otherwise” like- okay good for you😃👍 but don’t be all winey in my replies telling us we have to do the same. i’m choosing to listen to this man who’s been
begging all these years to be heard. honestly he’s done so much to express his true self it’s shocking how blind some of you are. what more does he need to do? pull a lil nas and put a random ass rainbow colored building in the background of one of his mv’s?? oh wait-
or maybe stand sad and alone on a target in a room full of het couples happily dancing around him?? oh wait-
cry in my replies and quote retweets all you want. insults will never change anybody’s mind. we aren’t disrespectful for seeing his struggle. what else do you think explains the invisible walls in the walls mv?! ffs his music videos- go stream just like you and +
try to tell me it’s not significant in any way, especially knowing it was announced on oct.11 NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY BYYEEEE
also if i hear ONE person say “well hes no longer tied to sony/syco he can just come out now so why wouldn’t he?” i- how would you know the exact conditions he is under or situation he’s in??
please go do ur times-tables or sumn, i’m not explaining to u how contracts work or how artists get manipulated in the industry- exhibit A: kanye two weeks ago; anyways...
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