I’ve had a few more more people follow me recently. So, I wanted to say hi 👋🏻 I’m Bekah! I’m an MS4 at @IUMedSchool and applying #MedPeds this cycle. A few things about me:
I grew up in Indianapolis and went through all of my schooling here. I love this city and the people in it who have helped me grow so much as a human, friend, and professional.
I am passionate about leadership. You’ll find me most days doing work that I love for the Medical Student Council as Vice President of Leadership. These are some of the best humans I know ⬇️
I’ve always had a knack for teaching and that didn’t stop with medical school! Find me teaching peeps about hyponatremia (it’s my fav thing to talk about) whenever I can.
In my spare time, I am a concert enthusiast (you can imagine how COVID is totally destroying my vibe). My concert buddy is my husband of 4-years (and engineering connoisseur recently turned teacher). Pictured at our fav band to see live: @Weezer.
I also like makeup. It allows me to get creative in ways that other activities never have. If you’re looking for recs: @fentybeauty is 🔥🔥🔥.
You’ll find me living each day by @Harry_Styles motto “Treat People With Kindness.” A little bit of kindness can go a long way. Pictured: a couple friends and I at his concert in Indy a few years back. #TPWK 🦋
As a future #MedPeds doc, I am excited by the thought of taking care of complex patients across a lifespan. I want to take this training and turn it into a career as a primary care physician serving the underserved.
And that’s a little about me! Thanks for reading. Now let’s be friends!
You can follow @rebekah_roll.
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