A few months ago I made the decision to re-engage with an academic career after spending 2 years focusing on #SciComm. People have asked what made me go “back” to research. And THIS is the problem with academia đŸ§” 1/
Academia makes you think you are stuck. In or out? Choose now, and choose wisely, because once you’re out, you’re out forever...
I can’t think of another industry that invests so much into developing people, skills and knowledge, only to completely devalue this investment through a lack of opportunity to maintain these people, skills, or knowledge in the system! It’s bonkers!
Research is falling into a ‘safety’ trap. Safe science gets funded. Safe, linear career paths are rewarded (a ‘gap’ in ‘productivity’ is a nail in the coffin). Don’t rock the boat, don’t question the system, don’t explore your choices...
NO! Good research means we MUST be innovative, constantly challenge the status quo and approach problems with new perspectives. To do this we need DIVERSITY - in knowledge, experience, background, ways of thinking... and THIS is my point...
I re-enter the academic world with a new set of skills, experiences and point of view. My ‘break’ from academic research wasn’t wasted time - I have more to offer now than I did before. I’m not going ‘back’, I’m moving forward, doing things on my terms, confident in my abilities
But best of all, I don’t feel trapped anymore! I know what the world can offer me, and what I can offer in return. Will my future be in academia? Who knows? How exciting is that?!
You can follow @DrClareFedele.
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