White men who blame everything on their own women are pathetic. It's a man's job to defend & protect his territory, nation, women & children & when a White pro-White Valkyrie comes along & points out the obvious many white men shrivel up instead of responsibly facing facts.
Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, AH and others were right, I'm tired of this bs.
In our "movement", people seem to be fine with calling out the degeneracy of white women, but when you call out the degeneracy of white men they lose their shit.
In our "movement", people seem to be fine with a non-racialist White nationalism, but when you advocate Nordicism & point out the fact the Asiatic Alpines in the Russian East & Southern Europeans aren't as white through immigration & race-mixing in the past they lose their shit.
Should have taken an extra 20-40 seconds to add this in the first post of this thread:
Putting full blame on one specific thing like men or women rather than a whole system of interconnected things both past & present is like putting full blame on children for "allowing" their parents to destroy both their body & mind, their physiological & psychological health.
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