his gift to you: a thread of parenti lectures (an invaluable resource if you have any desire to understand the world with the clearest critique, analysis, humor and anger)

(if u care at all u should know this stuff; if u know it, u will care)
(& thank you @devmover for sharing 'the sword and the dollar' with me last winter... there's just so much you never know until you know it.)

all of this is relevant then, now, and forever
The Sword and the Dollar (~1985)
(imperialism, violence, and the forced maldevelopment of the third world)
Super Patriotism vs Real Patriotism (1988)
The superpartriot's love of country seems predicated on the country being superior to other countries..." (and it's not just machismo)
The U.S. War on Yugoslavia (1999)
"Just because you don't know what they're doing doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing!"
U.S. Imperialism and the USSR (1986)
"If we communists hunger for power why do we side with the powerless?"
Debate: Hitchens vs Parenti on Iraq and the Future of US Foreign Policy (2005)

Watch this if you want to hear the sound of an ancient british wizard getting completely owned by a working class italian
Understanding Deep Politics (2002)
"Don't buy [my book Democracy for the Few]; its horrible; they sell it as a textbook for $70-80 despite protests of the author — that's not what it was intended to be, a book only for royalty..."
Terrorism, Globalism, and Conspiracy (2002)
"Farmers organize to support their interests, or teachers, or factory workers — but if you say that the people who own most of the world do that, it's called conspiracy!"
Lies, Wars, & Empire (2007)
"Reality is a problem for the ruling class, not us...it has to be constantly misrepresented, because reality is radical."

"The dominant paradigm is based on a unanimity of basic assumptions: often what passes for objectivity."
Creating a Sustainable Economy (2004)
"Of course we're oppressed... do you want a clean and livable environment? Then you're one of the oppressed because those guys are sticking it up you ... Clean and edible food? Then you're one of the oppressed."
happy 87th mr parenti. thank you for your work and words!
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