Message 9/30/2020: As I drove to the ocean I called in the angels with the intent they bring us messages that will help in our progression. The first image I saw was of large circular pulses of white light falling straight down from the heavens to our crowns. The angels told
2. me they were working with these galactic pulses to help us heal any misconceptions we have about ourselves preventing us from living from our divinity. These pulses work to align us with our divine nature. The next image I was shown was of an angel playing a xylophone.
3. I watched the stick strike the xylophone on the left moving over to the right where he hit the same note three times. Then the pattern repeated. The angels told me they are working with sound frequency to help us align to our divinity in this way as well. Lastly, I was shown a
4. black and white photo of a Native American chief. He told me I have been getting messages from the Native American ancestors because they are part of the heavenly team helping us to ascend. Sitting by the ocean I feel peaceful looking at the various hues of blue in
5. the strata of sky. I see many oddly shaped white clouds among the blue. They seem to be part of the galactic team waiting and watching for the time in which we can meet. Tuning into the energy I hear, “Yes it is true we are here with you in the skies above monitoring the
6. progression of the ascension of earth, waiting for that beautiful moment of full liberation to occur. This moment is like a crab who molts its shell, the housing it once dwelled in because it has outgrown it. The molting of the exoskeleton results in the growth of a new part
7. of the self for the crab to live in. This is ascension in a nutshell or a crab shell so to speak. There comes a point when life as it is, is no longer is acceptable. The consciousness begins to expand & think certainly there must be a better way. Eureka! This is the moment we
8. delight in seeing when the individual realizes there is a better, more prosperous way for them to live their life. This is so good, because this expansion of consciousness is able to invite in newer possibilities including creating a life of divinity. So many of you have
9. expanded your thinking while expanding your heart centers. This is a joy to see. It is this combination of expanded energies that creates the perfect conditions for ascension to proceed. So many of you are doing so well! Be proud of your accomplishments
10. for in the upcoming days you will see those who neglected to spend time on the inner journey, the connection to the spirit within. These individuals will have difficulties rooting themselves in the ground where one is better able to easily navigate the waters in motion
11. around them. Those of you reading this message will be the anchors so many will turn to for guidance and help. You have been instructed by your souls (which is the reason you are reading this) to perceive your life from the vantage of your spirit. This will be essential
12. in the upcoming days because you will know what you are seeing is the illusion of the old world passing away as the new heavenly world takes its place. You know the end results are going to be wondrous for humanity! Therefore, stay steady upon your path, your time of inner
13. quietude and communication with the One of all. This time will be well spent as it will bring you balance and peace and you will be able to navigate the stormy waters with grace.

‘Be still and know that I Am God. Be still and know that I Am the Greatest God of All, for I Am
14. the Great Lord God Almighty, King of Creation who speaks to you through musical golden tones of encryption on the golden field of enLIGHTenment. Here you will find me glorious, radiating the light of infinity in my creative process of joy and love. It is the love of your
15. heavenly Father within that will bring you great peace in all of your days. Seek the Father and you will find a repository of love befitted of the most royal of Kings for you are spiritual royalty, divine in every aspect of your being. I Am the Great I Am. My I Am presence is
16. mirrored in you, in every molecule, in every atom, in every cell, in your breath & in every step you take upon my earth kingdom. Be still & know me and know you are a reflection of me, a piece of my divinity lies within. It is both the part and the whole and you are both the
17. part and the whole. The Alpha, the Omega, the beginning, the end, the synchronization of my field of divine thought, so eloquently resonates within. Seek this divine goodness in all of your days and you will be abundantly blessed. Be still and know that I Am forever.’”
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