last night, the sitting president publicly ordered white supremacists to ‘stand by’ and today people who are in support of his policies, his leadership and the fear mongering that he uses to incite violence, descended out of and into D6. 1/6
I could say this is not us, that this isn’t a reflection of our community or our beliefs but it is. District 6, like many places across the country is a microcosms of the whole. We have lots of work to do. 2/6
we can’t do that work by ignoring the issue. we can’t hide away from it. we can’t middle of the road it. we need to take principled stances against fascism (at minimum) and we make a commitment to working on the issues together. 3/6
Fear should embolden us. we organize, we mobilize, we talk to our neighbors, we elect progressive leadership, and we create the life affirming alternatives necessary to make sure our people and our planet survive. 4/6
We don’t have to believe in the same things, but we have to stand firmly on the side that values our differences, each other, our rights and our planet so we can have a city that works for the many and not just for the few. our city deserves that. we deserve that. 5/6
the demonstrators today were met with resistance, a spirit of resistance towards fascism and systemic oppression. we should all be tapping into that. at home, at work and even at city hall. 6/6
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