Yes, that debate was a mess. Interruptions and name-calling on all sides. I understand people want to hate Donald Trump. If you’re a Christian, you’re not allowed to (1 John 3:15). You don’t have to vote for him, but you are required to pray for him (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
I think it’s important to vote, but I trust in God’s sovereign will. He puts rulers, good and bad, in place for His purposes (Daniel 2:21). I'll trust you to pray and seek the Lord for how you should vote and I'll ask for the same (Matthew 7:12).
Accusations of mindlessness or blind-following, while easy on social media, lack charity and are not helpful. In a time when we are divided, maybe better to ask for clarity rather than simply accuse based on assumptions? (Matthew 5:23-24, 18:15).
I may not like, and I am not excusing, how Donald Trump conducts himself, nor do I defend it as a reason to support him, but he is definitely not a white-washed wall (Matthew 23:27).
Those of us better at being white-washed walls can easily cast stones (John 8:7), but have to admit we are often guilty of thinking things that he actually says or of experiencing emotions that he actually exhibits. Thank God for His mercy that He calls us to share with others.
A key to understanding his popularity, & his behavior, is he taps into the emotion of not being heard, not being understood, & not being treated fairly. While we pray for him to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit, may we pray similarly for ourselves (Galatians 5:22-23).
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