a thread of things my dad has said that sound like tumblr posts
i will update this thread later because my dad says a lot of weird shit.
"anyone who goes outside without a mask is a covidiot. i rest my case."
"tommyinnit annoys me so much i wish he had a mute button that i could just press at any time."
"am i seriously going to be the sacrificial lamb? you- ok fair enough."
"*after hearing about dream's trip to the uk* so he flew all the way from the us to the uk during a pandemic just to see his boyfriend? why?"
"*upon seeing some children walking around in public without masks* look at the little covidiots!"
"if tommy had a mute button and someone were to press it, once he realizes he'll just be like *proceeds to imitate tommyinnit when he's angry but without the yelling*"
"*when my sister showed him a picture of georgenotfound that she had saved in her camera roll* he's gay."
"*after i came out* you're acting like i didn't know you're a chaotic bisexual"
"*after watching bill and ted* that was the most excellent of choices dude!"
"look at all these sacrificial lambs!"
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