So pulling this out of a separate thread to signal boost a bit more. @tripphudgins and @crazywholelife asked me to comment a bit on this week's Gospel reading, the parable of the vineyard in Matthew 21:33-46. So here it goes. 1/
I would recognize that the metaphor of Israel as vineyard is in the prophetic literature, especially Isaiah. The concern Jesus has is with Israel. This is right and appropriate. 2/
Second, the notion that some worthily pursue God's purposes and others distort is Scriptural. People do negative things in the name of God. We can't escape this. 3/
Third, we need to read this all to the end. The text is *not* about God taking the blessings away from the Jewish people and giving it to Christians. The church doesn't necessarily get the rewards. The kingdom will be given to people who produce fruits. That is broad. 4
Fourth, add the end the Pharisees and chief priests realize this is about *them* not all Jews. Not even all priests! Or all people who try to follow Torah! It is a prophetic critique. So we need to read it this way. It is not about the rejection of Israel, Temple or Torah. 5/
Fifth, there is nothing here about Israel as a whole being faithful or not faithful. It is about whether one's own claims to faithfulness are true or not. God will judge that but there are also other clear forms of behavior that show this. But God alone is judge, not us. 6/
So this takes me to some bigger points. The gentile Church must always read these passages with humility and care. Our participation in covenant with the God of Israel is a gift made possible by Jesus Christ. We are guests, adopted into this covenant. Tread carefully. END
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