Ok guys I’ve been inspired and want to share the inspiration. I’m trying to do this whole zero waste thing and make changes that are better for the environment where possible. First step was buying a Brita filter tank and using my Swell and Chilly bottles instead of buying
bottled water. Today I’ve bought myself reusable ‘cling film’. Basically it’s fabric that’s coated with beeswax and it seems super snazzy ( https://www.prettybeefresh.com ). If anyone else has any other suggestions, please let me know
I also have been toying with the idea of getting my toothpaste from Georganics ( https://georganics.com/collections/natural-toothpaste) so I can recycle the pot (as toothpaste containers aren’t recyclable) BUT it doesn’t have fluoride in it & apparently we need it for good dental health so I’m a bit hmmm
I did however get the Oil Pulling mouthwash, and I’m loving that
I knowwwww that what we contribute compared to the big corporations is MINISCULE but I guess if we make better choices we can at least help. Even if it’s only a little bit
Anddd I just checked on Amazon and they’re doing a deal on the Brita filter tanks! I would definitely recommend the tank over the jug simply because 1) it holds more water so you’re not filling it up every two seconds & 2) it fits neatly on a fridge shelf https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B07DWV14T8?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
That’s enough of my save the earth tweets for tonight. I’ll keep adding to this thread as and when I discover new stuff
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