questions for miraculous fans, please quote rt!
how to you get into ml?
why did you decide to stick around for more content?
who are your favorite characters?
best male character?
best female character?
favorite superhero?
favorite villian?
who do you think is the most powerful character on the show?
favorite ship?
do you relate/share some common traits/interests as any of the characters?
do you have any headcanons for any characters?
best costume design for a superhero?
best costume design for a villian?
if you were to create a superhero team to defeat hawkmoth, who would it consist of?
if hawkmoth were to create a group of villians to defeat the superheros, who would you want to see in that group?
do any irls know you watch ml?
ladybug just granted you the power of a miraculous, which one do you want it to be?
anything you want to see in season 4?
any theories for the shanghai special?
you are trying to convince your friend to watch miraculous, why do you think this show stands out from the others?
has miraculous changed you as a person?
finally, has miraculous given you a sense of comfort or happiness?
end of thread 🤍
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