The Doug Ford government was incompetent the moment it assumed office. Ontarians decided that they had enough of Liberal tenure and decided to clean the stables and vote in a party that, as I recall, struggled to find a leader or candidates with experience. A minor detail.
A wildly incompetent group assumed office and promptly spent the first year pinching themselves to see if it was even real. We had ministers learning their portfolio on the fly, as what remained of the public service patiently explained ministerial roles and responsibilities.
So when our hapless leaders were confronted with a pandemic, we got the leadership we voted for. It turns out that lockdowns are easy and so I congratulate Doug on his ability to paint by numbers. but we are far beyond those days, and his freehand sketches are just awful.
This is not a government with a coherent agenda or platform. It is a government that is in so far over its head that it just stumbles forward from one day to the next, and I am sure that right now they are blaming the virus for what was supposed to otherwise be an easy 4 years.
What is maddening is that there have been too many missed opportunities for Ford to even slightly pivot to a better decision. Incompetent people are often stubborn, and these folks really show that you can be bad at more than one thing at once. Stubborn incompetence is dangerous.
We can sense that our government is abdicating it's responsibilities to us as citizens. There was a social contract. Life wasn't supposed to get more nasty, brutish, and short. But it has, and so as we realize that our government has abandoned its duties, we must recall our own.
We still have the duty as citizens to ensure that we act towards the greater good of society. We can uphold our own constitutions day-to-day with our thoughts and actions. We can find collective solutions ourselves--and we must--because this government can no longer be trusted.
I still believe that strong government intervention is needed. I am waiting for it. But I am not holding my breath, either. I am working my own pandemic response plan, and I know others are too. We are working together, and one day I hope that our government decides to join us.
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