Thinking about Yoongi made Seokjin buy them all dinner for his birthday, how he never demands but he did with Seokjin. When Seokjin asked is Bang PD not family, he said no he's our boss but not family. And then said that the oldest of the family is supposed to buy birthday meals
Thinking how Seokjin rarely tells anyone what he's disappointed with or what he wishes he got but he texted Yoongi about his part in that one skit. How he always tries to be fine but let Yoongi know that he isn't fine.
Thinking about how Yoonjin have loved being roommates, travel mates, cooking mates, fishing mates, and always soulmates
Thinking about Seokjin saying he finds Yoongi's moments of embarrassment cute, declaring he almost fell for him because of the way he packed a medicine kit, wearing whatever Yoongi chose in Malta because he bought it
Thinking about Yoongi saying he can go without eating much but he's thankful Seokjin drags him to eat, about him commenting that Seokjin knows him well and asking him to show the same care always, him saying he has never been satisfied with a roommate before Seokjin
Thinking about Seokjin promoting Yoongi's works since the beginning, about him asking to promote Seesaw even as Idol was right there, about him choosing Yoongi's songs or verses as his favourite in every promotion possible because he wants everyone to recognize the genius more
Thinking about Yoongi saying Seokjin has always been good when asked about improvement, about him bringing up Seokjin's acting major at any chance available, about him loudly showing appreciation for Seokjin's choreography of Spine-breaker because he truly loved it
Thinking about Seokjin staying up to watch movies with Yoongi, wanting to fish after Malta because Yoongi liked doing it with him, switching off the computer when Yoongi would doze off after working, calling him Yoongichi endearingly because he deserves to be adored that way too
Thinking about Yoongi giving the loudest reactions to Seokjin's heart events, quietly encouraging him to be more confident in being MC for the earlier comeback lives, going fishing because Seokjin likes it, calling him Jinjinjara because he's Yoongi's hyung but also adored friend
Thinking about four hour chats and three minute conversations and single line texts and silence in the room, all being loved because it was all them. They've been all of it, done all of it, lived all of it together. And they're only getting closer. Thinking about Yoonjin.
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