Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

These terms are everywhere, and they do not mean what most people think they mean. These terms are loaded, and I'd like to show you what under the surface of "diversity, equity, and inclusion" initiatives.

A Thread:
When most of us hear "diversity," we might think: "make sure our group has people with different ideas, perspectives, and viewpoints, so we can look at whatever problems we face from many different angles."

This is *NOT* what Social Justice means by diversity.
Sometimes people hear "diversity" and think: "make sure not to discriminate against people because of what they look like; if you do you'll end up rejecting good people and leaving 'talent on the table'."

Again, this is also *NOT* what Social Justice means by diversity
Finally, some people hear diversity and think "we need people from all walks of life, with all kinds of experience, because different types of experience will help us solve a wide variety of problems."

And yet again, this is *NOT* what Social Justice means by diversity.
To understand how social justice thinks about diversity, you have to remember that Social Justice places a heavy emphasis on group identity, and think of people in terms of their cluster of identities. So, are you a straight white male, or are you a black Muslim woman?
Social Justice thinks the different identities you have are what determine your "social location." In other words, your race, sex, religion, and so on will determine your access to resources (money) and social capital (clout).

You could think of it like a video game where...
there are different levels of difficulty. Social justice says "straight white men" play life on easy mode because society was built by and for straight white men, where "black disabled transgender lesbians" play life on the most difficult mode for exactly the same reason.
Your identity list, and ONLY your identity list (IE, black, bisexual, woman) determines where you are on the social ladder. How much money you have is irrelevant. Your score in the game doesn't matter, it's the level of difficulty you play on.

Read that again.
Social Justice thinks our social position, the level of difficulty we play on, is the lens we see the world through. So a gay person sees reality through a lens only available to gay people, and the same would apply to black, woman, lesbian, trans, and all other identities.
Further, Social justice thinks everyone must adopt the Social justice ideology or they are decieved. They think anyone who doesn't agree with Social Justice has been "duped" by the system, or has "false consciousness," and must be woken up. Hence the term "woke."
This is the kind of thinking going on when a black person gets called an "oreo" (black on the outside white on the inside) or when Nikole Hannah Jones (1619 project editor) said there is a difference between being "racially Black" and being "politically Black."
So you can't just hire people in your organization that have Black skin, they must also have a Black political ideology. If you hired a Black person who thought Social Justice was nonsense, that would not count as diversity because that person has a "white mindset."
This means "diversity" according to Social Justice occurs when you have a group of people of "marginalized" identities (black, gay, trans, female) who all completely agree with Social Justice and are sufficiently "woke." Non-woke minorities don't count toward "diversity."
So, for example, if you hired a non-woke Black person they would call them a "token," "uncle Tom," or "race traitor." Only woke people thinking in terms of oppressed identity according to Social Justice count toward diversity.

They think everyone else is "false diversity."
Once we see the game that is played, we can explain inclusion and equity in short order:

According to Social Justice, Inclusion is *NOT* making everyone feel welcome, and it is *NOT* merely ending discrimination.
Woke people think an "inclusive" space is where no member of a marginalized group will feel, attacked, pressured, out of place, unwanted, or experience any other form of social discomfort. This means people with marginalizes identities must be supported at all times.
The result of this is that anything that you might say which would offend a marginalized person is not allowed. For example, an Atheist could not, in an inclusive space, say Allah does not exist, because that may offend Muslims. Social Justice would see that as...
an attack on a marginalized person. If you attempted to prove it using science, they would say you're just using the white western idea of science to attack the poor marginalized Muslims. (if you said "but science is true" they would claim your only saying that to get power)
Now, Social Justice would say eventually ALL OF SOCIETY must be an inclusive space. That means that if the woke Social Justice advocates get their way free speech is gone, and no one would be allowed to say anything offensive to "marginalized people" lest anyone feel excluded
I would note, this does not apply to white people, and the reason why brings us to "equity."

Equity is *NOT* equal opportunity. Equity is *NOT* equality under the law. And equity is *NOT* judging everyone by the same standard.

Equity is something far different...
Just like diversity and inclusion, equity is concerned about who has social power, and wants to do something incredibly expansive. It is described as "adjusting shares in order to make citizens A and B equal." What they mean by this is that they want to take from those...
who have a lot, and they want to give to those who do not. However, THEY ARE NOT JUST TALKING ABOUT MONEY, they are talking about social power, social capital, and social influence. They mean clout...they mean POWER, and they say so explicitly:
Further, they don't mean just making things equal now, they mean making up for past injustices. It isn't enough to make sure (for example) Black and White people have equal shares of society, Black people must be given more to make up for the times White people had more...
In the minds of the Woke, society must give the garden of the marginalized extra water and fertilizer to make up for the social drought that they went through due to white western capitalist oppression. However, since this is according to identity lines that means...
Oprah, Obama, and Jay-Z are entitled to reparations because they are members of a marginalized group, and poor white opiate addicts dying in the rust belt must help foot the bill because they are white males and part of the oppressor class.

This is how Woke people think.
So, when you are at work, church, university, or school, and you see these terms used keep in mind that what is behind them is an entire worldview that has cloaked itself in language that mimics liberal equality and justice, but is very far from both. Keep in mind what is...
hiding under the surface of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.

It's a fitting coincidence that Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity form the acronym "DIE," which is exactly what happens to any organization or institution that adopts the ideas of Wokeness and Social Justice.

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