Sometimes I pick up a "Proof" book and read a bit. I always have to stop, as I get too angry. The list of still-relevant, still-ignored revelations in Ch. 2 of Proof of Collusion (2018) *alone* would've transformed last night's debate. And I picked up that book chapter at random.
1/ Did you know Trump secured $2 billion in funding for Trump Tower Moscow from Putin's banker in November 2013 because he had demonstrated to that banker—in Moscow, face-to-face—the proper "attitude toward Russia" at a time *after* he'd decided to run for POTUS?

That's bribery.
2/ Trump told a top Putin agent he was running for POTUS; detailed what his policy toward Russia would be as POTUS; and was given $2 billion in funding days later *explicitly on that basis*. This after he'd spent years saying businessmen must be able to bribe foreign governments.
3/ And OMG—the number of direct/indirect contacts Trump had with Putin himself in the leadup to this bribery plot with Putin's banker! First, Putin cleared his builder Agalarov to offer Trump $20 million to come to Moscow. Second, Putin cleared his agent to offer Trump a meeting.
4/ Trump threw over 17 nations vying for the pageant. He did it *immediately* upon getting the offer from Putin, and let's be very clear, the offer *was* from Putin himself, as all parties agreed that the pageant could not have gone to Moscow without it being precleared by Putin.
5/ Trump then began tweeting about Putin becoming his best friend. He sent a letter to Putin. Putin's staff put a meeting with Trump on Putin's schedule. Trump personally called Putin's top lieutenant at the Kremlin and spoke to him. Putin sent Trump two gifts. And there's more!
6/ Putin promised to come to the pageant. When he didn't come, he sent multiple top agents instead—people so close to Putin that Trump both *wouldn't name them* and said that he had met with "all Putin's top people." Putin himself contacted Trump via a speakerphone conversation.
7/ Putin was in contact with Trump right after the pageant as well. And Putin extended an invitation for Trump to be his personal guest at the Olympics. All the interviews Trump gave in Moscow were interviews he gave while publicly claiming that he *knew* Putin was watching them.
8/ Trump left Moscow not only with $2 billion he'd received as part of a bribery scheme, but loudly declaring that his long-sought Moscow Tower was now certain to go forward—and that he'd developed an extraordinary relationship with Putin's top agents, none of whom he would name.
9/ Trump had been trying to get a tower in Moscow for 26 years. No, I'm serious: he'd been trying to do this for *26 years*. Over a *quarter of a century*. Want to know what was different in November of 2013? He told the Russians he was running for President of the United States.
10/ Weeks later, in February 2014—after Trump had informed the GOP in December 2013 that he'd be running for President of the United States—Putin invaded Crimea and the Donbas. It was a *war crime* against the *largest country in Europe* and a key American ally on that continent.
11/ As the man Trump had just gone into business with was invading our ally Ukraine, what were the Trumps doing? Ivanka was visiting Moscow to scout sites for the new tower. Trump was exchanging notes with Putin's builder, who Putin had just given Russia's highest civilian honor.
12/ How critical was it for Trump to pretend Putin didn't know he was running for POTUS in 2013? Not only did he lie about it repeatedly to voters, he contradicted both his top two advisors at the time—Nunberg and Stone—who both independently said he'd made the decision in 2012.
13/ Do you know how many pages of Ch. 2 of Proof of Collusion (2018) I had to read to get the horrifying info I just put in this thread?


Do you better understand now how angry I am *every day* that major media ignored *its own reporting*, and the Proof books?
14/ I understand that those who haven't read the Proof books don't get what they are, or how they work—and probably don't believe me when I say that I literally chose this book of the three at random, and chose this chapter at random, and wrote this thread about a random 3 pages.
15/ The only thing that gets me through is the knowledge that history will get this right. And frankly it won't be by reading gossip books written by former Trump administration officials, or gossip books in which the main interviews were with Trump administration officials.

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