2020 has been hell so I created you a heaven ☁

a thread
y'all ready for the story on how this shoot came to be? I was in savers one day and found these paper hanging hot air balloons. I knew immediately that I needed them!! Most of my shoot concepts are pieced together one aspect at a time, this one was different though.
When I picked up the hot air balloon I had a picture flash across my eyes. blue walls, hanging clouds, my new thrifted finds, and a model with hair so full she resembled a cloud herself.
It was one of those times where I knew exactly what I wanted and for the rest of the night I couldn't think about anything else.
Here's the second half of that story. Ciena and I got together and made this shoot happen. I did her makeup, she had brought a suitcase of clothing options, and my girlfriend and florist were in the background standing on ladders to attach my props to the ceiling.
The shoot was so fun and easy. everything had fallen into place.
when I got home, I couldn't look at the photos. after finally looking at them, I avoided editing them for weeks. worked on my other projects and told myself I was waiting to be in the mood.
truthfully, I was scared that no matter what I did to the photos, they'd never look how they did in my head.
If this sounds familiar to you, you might identify with being a perfectionist.
Perfectionism gatekeeps your success, it sabotages your efforts, and it's the enemy of creation. I promise.
I can't count the times that the pressure I put on myself was what held me back. It has been a hard lesson to learn.
If you find yourself caught in the perfectionism trap, this is the mantra I use:

"Done is always better than perfect. I am enough. My efforts are enough. i am capable."
let's talk about perfectionism. let's talk about how perfectionism actually IS a flaw and not something you just SAY is a flaw to impress your next employer. Nothing is perfect. there will always be things that could be different.
How many things could you have accomplished if you hadn't made perfection the goal?
If this speaks to you please share it. Reply and let's talk about our experiences. ask questions to the community we have on this app.

I love y'all, go easy on yourself today đŸŒ±
my instagram for more content on how to create with compassion:

my model is http://www.instagram.com/cienahakesa 

my florist: @MorgansFloral1
You can follow @smilinggetsmeby.
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