Retweeting since i was diagnosed with this
It takes a lot of mental and physical effort to not give into my symptoms. It helps i found really amazing friends and communities that i feel safe and comfortable in.
I still feel like people want to make fun of me and hurt me and I still don't react well to joke about me (My appearance, actions, what i say).

Before i really had a way to keep any of this in check i hurt a lot of people close to me. It was awful.
You don't understand you hurt someone until afterwards (unless that's just me i dont know) and it tears you apart. It makes my self image worse and just makes me want to hurt myself or do shit just feel normal again.
The mistakes i made will always claw at the back of my mind but learning from them is what helps me prevent more people getting hurt. I obviously still have issues with making friends (Either because i think they'll hurt me or i'll hurt them) but I cherish the friends i have
Some of them are people I hurt or had to see me go through an episode and they did what i thought was unthinkable kept being friends with me. They aren't people who want to hurt me they just want me to be happy.
If they see this thread and read it They know how much i love them and how happy they make me. They're people who make me feel comfortable and safe
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