Stan twitter has a disturbingly unhealthy obsession with charts and sales and it's ruined y'all ability to enjoy music.
I think katy says it best, also you guys having immense hatred towards artists for no reason is weird as well and obviously something personal because that's not normal 😭
You guys have come to a point where you care more about a song's commercial performance than the song itself, all you guys do is compare charts, sales, and numbers and bully tf out of an artist when they're underperforming. Everything is about the hot 100 and stuff to y'all 😭
There's nothing wrong with wanting your fav to have more recognition for their work but you guys are entirely passed that, you guys will tare an artist down entirely with no regard because they didn't have a top 10 or didn't sell # number of albums, it's all weird af
At the end of the day, the hot 100 is just a list of songs and the number of sales are just numbers calm tf down. If it does well, Horray...if not, it's not the damn apocalypse, Just enjoy your fav's work. I promise it's more fun that way. 😭😭
Obviously, an artist's commercial performance is important but you guys take it to a whole other level
Ignore me putting "number" twice 🙈🙈
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