$0 ARR: Be very specific about the problem you solve and who you solve it for 🙋🏻‍♀️
$0-$1k ARR: Don’t forget to prioritize things outside your expertise 🏆
$1k-$10k ARR: Validate your product before pulling the trigger on your launch 🎉
$10k-$50k ARR: Talk to your customers, go after low hanging fruit. Experiment with pricing 💵
$50k-$100k ARR: Identify areas for a potential first hire—they’ll make a big impact on your company and productivity 💪
$100k-$250k ARR: Learn from mistakes, hire people for the long haul 👋
$250k-$500k ARR: Double down on your wins. Try (reasonable) take home assignments with promising candidates 👩🏻‍💻
$500k-$1m ARR: Balance company vision, metrics, and customer feedback to prioritize high-impact projects 📈
$1m+: TBD, we're continuing to push on product and trying outbound sales for the first time! 🤞
You can follow @sarahhum.
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