Finally making good progress on the 2021 Sidereal Astrology Guide.

And let me tell you, February 2021? We are pressing reset on our new reality. We ain't going back folks. Saturn is putting the nail in the coffin. Mars begging for mercy.
This work of parenting ourselves, not waiting for someone else to tell you when enough is enough, avoiding reality thinking someone is gonna save you... Saturn says GROW THE FVCK UP!
Working away on the 2021 Sidereal Astrology Guide today... Finished the actual calendar part .There are so many days where the planets are all doing the things at the same time. Like Mercury changes sign + so does Jupiter + then they square right after. I'm tired looking at it.
I know you guys are feeling optimistic about Feb 2021, but I would maintain your sobriety. The New Moon on February 11 will bring the 3rd of 3 major stelliums in Capricorn. The first was the New Moon January 24, 2020. The 2nd was Mars + Saturn + Jupiter early April 2020.
The first was when Wuhan shut down and cases started to spread in Washington State. The second was when the death toll and cases in New York and other major US cities skyrocketed. And the 3rd...I just...
At the New Moon on February 11, 2021, every planet will be in Capricorn except Mars in Aries.
Capricorn lead by Saturn there is reality, death, pandemic, economic contraction + suffering. Also housing/land/oil/soil.

Aries with Mars there is power, resistance, autonomy, movement, change, severance, conflict.
Remember folks, Saturn just started its transit of sidereal Capricorn back in January 2020 (which was 3,139 and a half months ago.) But it won't leave for good until January 2023.

The contraction has just begun, and Jupiter will be in Saturn's signs through 2022.
Jupiter's first dive into Capricorn was HEAVY. Like death, loss, fear, illness heavy. Please don't underestimate what is still on the horizon for us. You see all these folks tempting Fate by acting like everything is fine. Don't be them. Be like Saturn. Contract. Tighten up.
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