
Don't know why I have to explain this but,

Why cis, cishet, allocishet, and periallocishet are not slurs

Obviously, CW // Slurs

I will only be using slurs I can reclaim in this thread

A slur is a word thats historically been used to incite hatred and spread hateful ideals towards an oppressed people. Trans people being called tr*nny, gay people being called f*ggot, hispanic people being called sp*c, etc

These words have been used to spread hateful ideals
They have been used to spread ideas of violence and continue the ideas that queer people and POC are lesser humans. They have been used to incite violence, and have over the years been an implicit helper in the continued oppression and murder of these groups of people
Cis, cishet, allocishet, and periallocishet.

Before explaining why they are not slurs, I will define what each part means:

Cis: not trans
Het: heterosexual
Allo: not aspec (asexual/aromantic spectrum)
Peri: not intersex
These words, in any combination, are not slurs. These words are descriptors of a person that acknowledge what privileges they have.

The reason, when one weighs in on lgbt issues, that we will often call them a "cishet" is to acknowledge the fact that they are privileged...
...to the point of these issues not being about them, as well as the fact that these people have no experience with these issues. They have not combatted them their whole lives; they haven't lived them. Therefore their opinion on lgbt issues should not be taken into account.
People will often make the argument that they are slurs because they are "being used to silence people"

This is not the case, at least not in the way you intend

It is not an oppressive regime stopping you from speaking

It is a people who have been voiceless trying...
...to gain a voice instead of having other people who do not know their struggle talk over them. That is how queer people and poc have been for centuries. People who do not know our lived experiences and do not know what actual equality is talk over us, because they believe...
...they know better. I can't entirely blame them, they've never been taught any different. They do not know what real equality would entail because they have always lived at the top, above much oppression.

We ask cis people to stop speaking on trans issues because they...
...do not know of our lived experiences, and what we actually need. Especially after many many cis people paint trans people as predators, or say that men will pretend to be women so they can be predators (despite the fact that there have been 0 cases of that ever).
Peri people do not know the struggles of intersex people and the lives they live. I, myself, am peri. So instead of speaking based on no knowledge other than the deeply flawed education system, I talk to intersex people and learn their stories to inform my opinions...
...and even then for the most part I will platform intersex people to speak their truth rather than speaking what I have heard for them.

This is exactly what cis people should be doing. But instead you claim we are silencing you by calling you cis.
What I have noticed is that the vast majority of people claiming cis is a slur are periallocishet white people. I'm willing to argue that the reason for this is because these people haven't actually experienced oppression, they use their misconceptions of what a slur is to...
...determine what they think it is and apply it to themselves. I understand initially feeling hurt that, for the first time ever, your opinions are being discarded based on who you are, but poc and queer people have been going through that for centuries.
To add, cis people's opinions and perceptions of trans people have not been discarded, look at any government.

And I understand that that feeling can immediately push you back from wanting to listen to other people, because you feel threatened. I encourage you to open up...
...and listen to the opinions of these people. Understand that the plight of POC and queer people are beneficial for everyone, and listening is the best thing you can do.
An additional argument I hear is that "I don't identify as cis, so calling me cis is offensive"

Allow me to clear that up

Cis is not an identity. Peri is not an identity. Allo is not an identity. Het is not an identity (except for queer het people: transhets for example)
One does not identify as cis. As I mentioned earlier, cis is a descriptor.

If you find offense to being called cis/white, what you're finding offense to is being told that you have privilege, and that you should allow other people to speak for themselves.
That can be a hard thing to hear, and that can be a hard thing to do, and learning it will take time, but it is necessary for queer people and poc to be able to gain basic human rights, such as not being murdered in the street and having their murderers get away with it.
If you've read this whole thread, I very much appreciate you. Thank you so much

Especially if you are/were one of the people who believe(d) that cis is a slur. I appreciate you for genuinely taking the time to read through the whole thread. Thank you
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