a complicated friendship/relationship a thread
i met this guy in 6th grade (im in 9th now) and we are going to name him jim, so jim and i dated 3 times but it was complicated and in 7th grade, me and him were best friends, we were talking every single day, calling each other every day, slept on calls together, but we were
both dating different people and my relationship with the guy i was dating at that time is a different story, but yea i broke up with him and jim broke up w his gf but me and jim were still friends and still kept talking to each other, but we slowly started to stop talking to
each other, but then a new school year came (8th grade) and we still talked here and there and one day we were on a call and he told me he liked someone, and of course me being me, i wanted to know who as so i was guessing but he wouldnt tell me, but i practically annoyed him
until he told me it was one of my friends and of course i supported it, until one of jim’s friends who was also one of my friends told me that he liked me, and all my feelings for him came rushing through me and he said that he has liked me ever since me and my last bf broke up
and of course i told him i liked him for a long time and we started talking for like a day and then his friend who was also my friend told me he didnt like me anymore, and that he liked one my friends, and was upset of course i practically told him i loved him for like 3 years
but he broke off the relationship with my friend but he just kept having feelings for all of my friends but of course i didnt lose feelings for him, and so one day he asked me to go to the park w him and i said yes and it was just me and him, we were playing soccer and
volleyball together and i really thought like there was something there like i rlly thought he had feelings for me, so i went home, rlly happy and in a good mood. but i found out he was talking to one of my friends for months and now they have been dating for a little over a
month now, and of course im happy for them its just upsetting to see the two of them saying i love you to each other and having pictures together and having nicknames, like me and him always had nicknames for each other, he was maui or baloo, and i was
tigger and mowgli or bum. we matched every day in school, we would both wear a blue shirt and black jeans or a pink shirt with blue jeans and it was honestly fun and seeing him give nicknames to her that were once my nicknames hurt rlly bad but yea idk what to do anymore.
end of thread.
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