A teenage TikTok-er pointed out that there were no ASL interpreters at the debate last night, which means ~600,000 deaf Americans were not afforded the chance to participate in their democracy. I can't stop thinking about it. How can that STILL be an oversight in 2020?
I've learned so much from all of the people responding. I'd like to just note a couple of things:
1. Accessibility is such a huge issue that too many of us have ignored.
2. YALL THE ABLEISM. Stop telling people they were better off not hearing it. That's not your choice.
3. There are orgs like @DPANvideos that did offer the debate live in ASL with THREE interpreters. Which is incredible. But they shouldn't have to be doing this by themselves.
4. Over 1500 people have clicked the link to the petition. That's INCREDIBLE and i'm inspired by you all
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