Poe slowly realizing he's gay, and for Ranpo.

A thread.
It was slow at first y'know nothin' big just sharing stuff y'know y'know like rivals do🤩
Then a few days later, he started getting suspicious, a stage all gays must go through
The denial, a long, long, denial.
Starting to come to terms with it but not quite there yet.
They started texting.
He finally comes to terms with it and comes out.
Poe is oblivious to any sort of flirting.
Poe get's asked out without even realizing it.
Gay panic over what he should wear.
He chooses the first.
They hold hands, debating on whether or not they should kith.
They kith.
They cuddle with each other till they fall asleep, Poe's still in denial.
Like really in denial.
He's getting there.
Forgot to post earlier, but meanwhile while they were at the date ..
Then they finally become boyfriends and Poe realizes how gay he really is.
The end ~✨✨
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