I am the daughter of the Mennonites you didn't pitchfork to death

Because they ran away too fast
It is a proud and noble heritage
Still remember the day my college course on the Reformation discussed Anabaptists/the Mennonites and I was so excited and walked in only to find the title slide was this

Yep, there's great-great-great-great-great-great-great- Uncle Jakob, probably
This is kind of cool, except we're all convinced it's our baked goods and quilting skills that bring people into the fold, not like, faith or anything
A lot of people try to talk me out of my views on self-defense, which are that I can't kill another person even if they try to kill me/my loved ones

I've gotten to the point where I just placidly recount the story of Dirk Willems and leave it at that

Mennonites LOVE Dirk Willems, we have a statue to Dirk Willems. To the best of my knowledge, we don't have a statue to anyone else

Though I do have a commemorative coffee spoon of Menno Simons
(The Dirk Willems statue, the commemorative spoon, and my maternal grandparents all hail from Steinbach, Manitoba, which is to Canadian Mennonites what Lothlorien is to Tolkien elves. The Niagara region, where I grew up, is Canadian Mennonite Rivendell)
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